HCL ME U1 is an affordable tablet from HCL running the latest Android Ice Crm Sandwich as itsoperatingsystem. The device offers quite good configuration, a 1GHz of processor and 1GB of RAM to fulfill your gaming needs and we rlly can’t expect this much from a device that’s available in only ~$128. If you’ve purchased this device or looking to get one but concerned if you could root it, well, go ahd and get the device as a rooting method is waiting for you just below. It explains all the steps you should follow to root your HCL ME U1 tablet. Here you go:By EditAndroidI. Before You Begin:1. This will void the warranty of your device. However, you can reinstate the warranty by unrooting the device if there’s any unrooting procedure available.2. You must have a PC runningOS(32-bit).3. You should have appropriate drivers installed onyourPC. You can get them fromhere.II. Downloading Required Files:1.SuperOneClick2.Superuser ZIPIII. Rooting the HCL ME U1:1. Download and place both the archives onto your Desktop.2. Extract files from both the archives to your Desktop.3. Turn ON the USBdebuggingfunction on your device by hding toMenu>>Settings>>Developer options>>USB debugging.4. Once enabled, connect your device to your PC using the USB cable.5. Open theADBfolderyou’ve on your Desktop by double-clicking on it.6. Hold down theShiftbutton on yourboardand right-click on any empty ar on the screen, then chooseOpen command window here.7. Type in following commands into theCommandPromptWindow. Make sure to pressENTERafter ch line you type:adb root
adb devices
adb shell8. Reboot your device.9. Now, enter the following commands into the Command Prompt Window:adb shell getprop ro.secure
adb shell mount -oremount,rw /dev/block/system /system
adb push d:\system/bin/su /system/bin/
adb push d:\system/bin/su /system/_install/bin/
adb shellchmod4777 /system/bin/su
adb shell mount -oremount,ro /dev/block/system /system10. Close the Command Prompt Window.11. Unplug your device from your PC.12. Reboot your device.13. Connect your device to your PC once again.14. Copy theSuperuser APKfile you extracted to your Desktop over to the root of your SD card.15. Unplug the device from your PC.16. Open theFileManagerapp on your device and install theSuperuserapp you just copied. Open it once.17. Once installed, hd over to Google Play and install theBusyBoxapp as well.18. You’re rooted now!Wonderful! Your HCL ME U1 is now rdy to be loaded with all your favorite root-only apps and any twks you may want to do with your device!
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