Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How To S-Off/Root/Flash recovery/SuperCID/DE-Brand/Flash Custom Rom/S-ON/ in Sensation

Step 1. To S-OFF your Sensation - (You do not need to do this if you have S-off alrdy or done this before)- WORKING NOW for TMOUS users
Visithttp://revolutionary.io/By editandroid.blogspot.com
download the appliion for your operating System. AND EXTRACT IT TO A FOLDER
YOU MAY NEED TO DISABLE YOUR ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM- Norton is flagging up Revolutionary as a Virus when it isn't
Fill out the form under the download links with your OS, Device, Hboot Version and . This will give your beta to enable you to S - OFF. Make a note of this.

How To get your Hboot Version - 3 methods below
1. Run the revolutionary Utility you just downloaded fromhttp://revolutionary.io/and if it has found your device it should rd
"Found your Device: Sensation Z710* Appliions -> Development)
4. With the phone switched on (not in HBOOT, just the regular home screen), plug in your USB cable and select sync mode.(IGNORE any warning messages on your phone telling you it cannot find Sync )

5. Launch revolutionary.exe. It should detect the phone and ask for your beta . Type it (BE CAREFUL, as its case sensitive) or copy and paste it in.
If Revolutionary fails to find your phone verify you have all the drivers installed, try drive mode or charging mode (Linux users can use drive mode. Confirmed to be working by others)
6. Once you have entered your beta correctly, follow any on screen prompts or actions from revolutionary and wait for it to S-Off,
7. You're done. Your Device will Successfully have S-OFF....if it hangs on method 3 and doesn't S-Off.See post 2 below for solutions.
IF REVOLUTIONARY SAYS FAILED YOUR PHONE IS NOT SUPPORTED. Go back and check hboot using the methods above. some users are told its failed and they still have S off now. If you have S-off your hboot will now be 1.17.1011 and revolutionary will tell you now your device is not supported

8. Revolutionary will now ask you to Install clockwork recovery mod after S OFF. Type N and install it manually below (the recovery provided is v4.0.1.4 doesn't charge when device is switched off, the one below v5.0.0.1 does charge)
9. Your Device now is S-off.

To install clockwork recovery for the sensation. Follow step 2!

STEP 2. To INSTALL Recovery -v5.0.0.8

1. Download recovery v5.0.0.8 for the SensationHERE: orMultiupload
2. Copy the PG58IMG file into the Root folder of your SD card (The main Folder of your Memory Card)
3. Turn off your phone FUlly and reboot into the Bootloader/HBOOT screen (see post above on how to get to hboot screen)
4. Press Volume up to Accept when it asks" Do you want to start the update"
5. Press Power Off to Reboot back to android after installation is successful (normal screen with homescreen)
6. Delete PG58IMG from your memory card and you can now root using step 3 below or install a custom ROM using CWM (Customs Roms are alrdy rooted)

7.OPTIONAL:Boot into recovery or Completely switch off (Fastboot disabled or remove and reinsert battery)
FollowSTEP 4 SUPER CIDsub steps 1-6 to get adb running
8. Enter the command "adb shell /sys/devices/platform/_battery/power_supply/battery/status" Phone will confirm it is "CHARGING"

Charging issues fixed with new clockwork recovery. writing is now BLUE not purple or orange

Step 3. To permanently root your Sensation -(This mns you will NOT LOSE ROOT on rebooting)
1. Download the file su- from here:DOWNLOAD
2. Copy su- to your SD card root folder (main folder of your memory card)
3. Start clockworkmod recovery (instructions below.See To Start Clockwork recovery)
5. Navigate to "Backup & Restore" using the Volume Down button and press select (power button to select) then select "Backup"
6. Select "install zip from sdcard" after backing up
7. Then select "Choose zip from sdcard"
8. Then select "su-"
9. Then select "Yes - install su-" to confirm
10. Then go back
11. Then reboot.
12. You're rooted!

If you are getting error messages regarding S-OFF, Rooting or installation - Troubleshoot below in post 2

STEP 4. WRITE SUPER CID [YOU ONLY NEED TO DO THIS ONCE]-(continue from step 11 below if you have alrdy done this)
(allows you to flash ANY ROM to the device regardless of the carrier. Just click RUU.EXE)

1. Download adb tools here:download for ordownload for LINUXor from the attachments below
2. On your pc click on your local C: Drive (or D: drive for some) ( users: Start > My computer > Local (C)
3. Crte a new folder called "adb" and extract the files from adb.zip into it. Make sure it doesn't crte another folder in the adb folder when extracting
4. open command prompt (or terminal for linux) and type "" "followed by the path to your adb folder" ( users can type " C:\adb")
5. Ensure your phone is switched on (regular home screen) and connect it by USB in charging mode (Ensure usb debugging is on settings)
6. enter the command "adb devices". This is to confirm your phone is connected. (It should come back with list of devices attached and your )
7. enter the command "adb reboot-bootloader". (nothing further required device WILL reboot in bootloader)

IF it doesn't you can Manually put the phone in the bootloader/hboot mode
Navigate to fastboot by pressing volume down and pressing power button to select (power off > vol down + power on)
It will take you to the fastboot bootloader screen on your phone
Connect your phone via USB
Your Screen should now rd fastboot USB

8. enter the command "fastboot oem writecid 11111111"
9. enter the command "fastboot reboot-bootloader (Wait for it to reboot the bootloader)
10. enter the command "fastboot gear cid" [it should confirm your CID is 11111111]
11. enter the command "fastboot reboot"
12. You can now flash any ROM you like.

To reinstall any stock ROM after this or De-brand or reinstall a different type of Rom (Europn, Asian, US).
Just click here to download an Official Rom,
Connect to your phone in charging mode. click the "RUU_pyramid_*****.exe" file you downloaded and follow on screen instructions.

I can confirm SuperCID is successful as i just flashed a Tmous Rom (1.25.***) to my EU unbranded device to check. (added t-mobile and other carrier stuff to my apps list)

TO DE-BRAND OR REINSTALL STOCK ROM(Changes to Stock S-off, Removes Root and clockwork)
Reinstall your original stock ROM you had (e.g Vodafone, Tmous, Asian, Europn unbranded etc. if you are changing back to S-ON)

1. Backup all User Data and Apps (Titanium backup Recommended) SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU WANT TO WIPE EVERYTHING
2. Use the SUPERCID method above. (Confirmed to work)
3. If you cannot get superCID to work. Follow this by Alexp999.HERE:any problems PM ME and i will help
Your phone bootloader will rd "PYRAMID PVT SHIP S-OFF RL" after this, Root and clockwork will have been removed now

YOU MUST Follow this correctly otherwise you could semi-brick your device (Semi bricks recovery by re-flashing RUU). If you follow it correctly YOU WILL GET S-ON SUCCESSFULLY -confirmed by other users
I cannot be held responsible if anything goes wrong but i will help in every situation. 2 unrecoverable bricks so far. 1 due to not flashing RUU
First time i did this with a custom ROM installed - semi-bricked my device (couldn't boot due to security warning as S-on doesn't work with custom roms), restored it using RUU.exe
Second time after S-off i took the following steps and successfully went back to S-ON without any problems and booted up into stock rom.

Confirmed to work by several others as well as myself
1. Follow Step 4 above to get SuperCID - Skip if you alrdy have it
2. Restore your official stock Rom:Just click here to download an Official RomRESTORE STOCK EVEN IF YOU JUST RESTORED IT RECENTLY OR ARE ALRDY ON STOCK ROM. This is to ensure nothing gets changed in stock for S-on to be successful
So if you are alrdy on a stock ROM or you just went back to stock ROM, i don't care, restore the stock ROM again using the RUU.exe if you don't want to be bricked!

Connect to your phone in charging mode. click the "RUU_pyramid_*****.exe" file you downloaded and follow on screen instructions.
3. Make sure when you download the RUU. download the same or similiar RUU version as your phone came with (e.g. Tmous or EU or Asian etc). As long as you install a stock rom similiar to what you had you should be ok. FAILURE TO DO THIS MAY BRICK YOUR PHONE.

4. Switch your phone on now and let it boot for the first time and just skip through the welcome screen.
5. Go back to Step 4 - SUPERCID and go through 1 to 7 to get to the fastboot bootloader. (so just do what you did before, put adb files in local , adb reboot bootloader etc)
6. enter the command "fastboot oem writesecureflag 3" (Thanks Dazweeja)
7. Reboot into bootloader using "fastboot reboot-bootloader" or remove & reinsert the battery and press power on while keeping hold of volume down.
8. Bootloader should now rd Pyramid PVT Ship S-ON RL.
9. Remove and reinsert the battery. Press power on as normal

You should now have S-on back and you can return your device or do whatever it is covered again under warranty.

10. IF IT DOESN'T REBOOT and bootloader says ***Security Warning**
Remove and re-insert the battery and go back into bootloader and holding Volume Down +power button select fastboot
11. Run RUU_Pyramid_***.exe to reflash stock rom. (the one u just downloaded in step 1) and then reboot. It should work now

The above method works successfully. So do not under any circumstances try this without going back to stock first using Ruu.exe. and Follow the instructions correctly if you want S-on WITHOUT problems Any doubts or questions PM me and i will get back to you and help you.

Donations welcome as i had a very shaky night experimenting and bricking my device (and having a panic attack over it) to find a safe method for successfully getting S-on back for all you out there complaining about warranty.

To Start Clockwork recovery
1.EITHERmake sure fastboot is disabled in settings and shut down your phone
This can be done via Settings > Power> Untick "FAST BOOT" at the bottom.
ORtake out your battery and put it back in.(this is sier)
2. Keep hold of the volume down button and switch your phone on.
3. Hboot will start. Navigate to recovery with the vol down button. Press power button to select and enter recovery.

To install a Custom ROM- you will not lose data or apps with this method!

1. Download your chosen ROM by other developers in the development thrds and copy the ZIP file to your SD Card ROOT directory
2. Start clockworkmod recovery (instructions above)
3. BACKUP YOUR ROM USING CWM BEFORE ATTEMPTING ROOT! (skip this step if you have alrdy made a backup previously)
4. Navigate to "install zip from sdcard" using the Volume Down button and press select (power button to select)
5. Then select "Choose zip from sdcard"
6. Then select "your_chosen_rom.zip"
7. Then select "Yes - install your_chosen_rom.zip" to confirm
8. Then go back
9. Then reboot.
10. First boot will take quite some time -This is normal, i know you want touch your nice shiny phone but BE PATIENT
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