Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How Root Optimus G E975

The Optimus G E975 was relsed recently by , and it was available on the stores just yesterday, but today Optimus G E975 has been rooted successfully. This is how fast the developers work that just one day after the relse of Optimus G E975 the device has been rooted. So here's how to Root Optimus G E975.
By editandroid.blogspot.com
Optimus G E975 Root AdvantagesGives you complete control over your Optimus G E975.Allows you to install root only apps.Allows you to install custom ROMs.Gives you complete control over your Optimus G E975.
Optimus G E975 Root RequirementsBasic knowledge of rooting.Download the root file. (Link to download)
Root Optimus G E975 GuideConnect you Optimus G E975 to your PC.Now install the Optimus G E975 drivers.Now unzip the downloaded file.In your Optimus G E975, go to Settings, and turn on USB Debugging, in the Development section.Also, plse see that you are in Charge Only Mode.Now run CurrentRoot.bat file that you downloaded, and wait for prompt.Change to MTP mode, in your Optimus G E975.Wait for you PC to ask how to view files.Select CMD Prompt, and press enter to continue.Done, your Optimus G E975 will be rooted.That's it ! Congrats you have rooted your new Optimus G E975. Now enjoy a completely rooted Optimus G E975.Donate Us if it Help you and help us to Buy our own Domian & hosting.

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